Showing 12 Result(s)

Calcium blood level

calcium Newborns: 1.75-2.70 mmol/LKinder: 2,05-2,70 mmol/l Adults: 2.02-2.60 mmol/L Calcium is an important element for the body and is involved in fundamental processes in the body. Whether in the transmission of stimuli, blood clotting or in bone metabolism:Calcium deficiency can have life-threatening consequences for the body. Too much calcium in the blood is also life-threatening. Each body stores …

Worth ferritin

Ferritin Adults from 18-45 years: 10 µg/Liter bis 220 µg/Liter Ferritin is one of the proteins that is stored in iron. In addition, ferritin protects cells from free iron. If the ferritin values ​​are outside the norm, it may be due to anemia, for example. These values ​​increase in adults over 45 years of age up to an upper …

Blood cholesterol level

cholesterol 200 – 239 mg/dl Cholesterol is a fat-like substance. We need it to make other products and stoppers for the body. These include, for example, vitamin D, bile acids and hormones.Elevated cholesterol levels can indicate dangerous diseases . 50% of cholesterol is initiated by the liver, the other half is ingested through food. Medical note for our readers: Our …

Triglycerides value

Triglyceride below 150 mg/dl Triglycerides are among the most important energy stores for the body. We ingest these fats with food to provide our body with the fuel it needs As a result of arteriosclerosis, i.e. vascular calcification, the triglycerides in the blood count increase . Values ​​that are too low indicate overdosed medication, malnutrition or an overactive thyroid …

Total protein blood count

total protein 6,1 – 8,1 g/dl Total protein consists of albumin, alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulins, and beta and gamma globulins. Elevated levels can indicate inflammation, liver cirrhosis, Waldenstrom’s disease or plasmacytoma. If the blood count is too low, the cause may be disorders, protein deficiency or malabsorption syndrome. Medical note for our readers: Our patient …


Harnstoff 10-50 mg/dl At the end of the protein metabolism is the end product urea. It is primarily excreted as urine.An unbalanced or wrong diet can result in increased or low urea values. But diarrhea, kidney failure, vomiting or dehydration, bleeding, burns or serious injuries are also common causes. Medical note for our readers: Our patient information …

Magnesium blood value

Magnesium Frau: 0,77-1,03 Mann: 0,73-1,06 Kinder: 0,60-0,95 Babies: 0,48-1,05 This mineral is contained in the skeleton and muscles. It circulates in the body’s bloodstream. We absorb magnesium from food and absorb it in the intestine. Magnesium is a component of many enzymes and is therefore involved in almost all metabolic processes. An excess of magnesium can indicate, …

Copper blood value

copper Newborns: 2.7 – 7.7Females: 11.6 – 19.2 Men: 12,4 – 20,6 We get copper from food. The trace element is an important component for cell metabolism. It is absorbed into the small intestine. Copper attaches itself to the transport protein albumin to get to the liver.Copper levels that are too low can indicate a storage disease, Wilson’s …

Full blood count, What does the blood test mean

A full blood count consists of a small blood count and a so-called differential blood count. As a rule, a small blood count is made first, which gives the doctor treating you information about the number of individual blood cells . If abnormalities are found here, the doctor usually orders another blood count, the so-called complete blood count. A full blood count includes a so-called …

Iron blood value

Eisen Anemia in men with Hb below 13 g/dl – normal values ​​13 to 18 g/dl Anemia in women: Hb less than 12 g/dl and normal values ​​between 12 and 16 g/dl Iron is one of the most important trace elements responsible for the formation of hemoglobin, the red blood pigment. The body binds about …