Showing 7 Result(s)

Chloride blood value

Chloride 95 – 105 mmol/l Chloride occurs in the body mostly as potassium or sodium chloride as an important electrolyte. It takes over the water distribution in the cell and outside the cell.As a component of table salt, it occurs as hydrochloric acid in the cells of the stomach and in the sweat glands. The chloride requirement and intake …

Understanding blood values – laboratory values at a glance

All blood values ​​at a glance Here you will find an explanation of your blood values . The analysis of blood values ​​is of great importance in medicine. The most well-known values ​​include the erythrocytes , the leukocytes and the thrombocytes. Doctors measure their frequency in the blood using a complete blood count or small blood count . The composition of the blood, in combination with the symptoms that …

Altered leukocytes in a gastric ulcer

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa , stomach ulcer , in the worst case stomach cancer : You should keep a critical eye on an apparently harmless inflammatory reaction in the stomach so that nothing worse develops from it. The first signs of inflammation and peptic ulcer disease are heartburn, abdominal pain, rarely bloody vomiting. If the doctor finds elevated leukocyte values ​​in the blood …

Leukocyte scintigraphy as an inflammatory diagnostic method

Leukocyte scintigraphy: Information on imaging diagnostic procedures in nuclear medicine Leukocyte scintigraphy is part of the nuclear medical diagnosis of inflammation and is used to localize foci of inflammation . Radiopharmaceuticals are used here, after which a gamma camera detects the radioactively marked leukocytes. There are different scenarios that require the use of the presented diagnostic method. This includes, …

The blood values ​​for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis at a glance:

The most important laboratory values ​​in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Laboratory values ​​play an important role in autoimmune diseases . For this reason, doctors pay attention to the blood values ​​of patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The disease causes the thyroid to malfunction. For this reason, the thyroid values ​​are constantly monitored during therapy in order to regulate the over-function and later under-function …

The optimal value of the leukocytes – what does it say

What does the optimal value of leukocytes indicate? The leukocytes participate in the defense against pathogens. The lymphocytes and the granulocytes play a major role here . To determine the optimal value of the leukocytes, the doctors use the complete blood count . Within the differential blood count, the physicians recognize the amount of the individual types of white blood cells. The determination of the …

RDW value – meaning low and high values

What is the meaning of the RDW value? Doctors refer to the RDW value (Red Blood Cell Distribution Width) as the erythrocyte distribution width (EVB). It indicates how and with what volume the red blood cells are distributed in the blood. Doctors call these erythrocytes . As a rule, they do not change in size during their lifetime. The RDW value, in connection …