How does an increase in leukocytes occur?
Leukocytes are the white blood cells in the human body . They are divided into three subcategories and take care of the destruction of antigens within the organism. If patients suffer from an increase in leucocytes, doctors speak of leukocytosis . The concentration of white blood cells rises above the normal limit of 4,000 to 10,000 in one microliter of blood. There are several possible causes for the disease. For example, those affected suffer from a bacterial infection or cancer.
What does leukocytosis mean?
Doctors understand the term leukocytosis to mean an increase in leukocytes that exceeds the average value. In an adult human, the level of white blood cells is higher than 10,000 blood cells per microliter of blood. Especially when there is an infection within the body, the leukocytes multiply in order to fight the foreign substances. Furthermore, a malfunction of the spinal cord leads to an overproduction of white blood cells. A symptomatic and reactive increase in leukocytes also occurs as a result of cancer.
What does a leukocyte rise represent?
Better known under the technical term leukocytosis, the increase in leukocytes describes an increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood. Various forms of the phenomenon occur. Doctors distinguish between:
- an acute,
- a chronic,
- a short term
- or long-term change in white blood cell count.
The disease usually has only non-specific causes. For example, a patient’s blood count changes even with a bacterial infection. The physicians notice the characteristics of a leukocytosis when creating a differential blood count. You can see what type of white blood cells are multiplying. Based on this information, it is possible to exclude certain diseases from the diagnosis.
When it is a question of an increase in leucocytes depends on the individual values of the patient. The average number of white blood cells is different in men and women. For example, female sufferers usually have lower leukocyte levels.
What are the causes of leukocytosis?
There are several possible reasons for an increase in leukocytes. The number of white blood cells depends on various cell processes. Based on the type of leukocyte, scientists divide leukocytosis into:
- Lymphozytosen,
- neutrophilia,
- basophilia,
- monocytosis
- and eosinophilia.
Depending on the form of the existing increase in leukocytes, the experts conclude the cause. The most common reasons for the increase in the number of white blood cells include tumor formation, infectious diseases and the onset of leukemia .
Especially in people with a regularly elevated leukocyte count, the likelihood of cancer increases. This is the conclusion of the “ Blue Mountains Eye Study ” by scientist Anoop Shankar from Singapore’s National University. The data from the study show an association between cancer-related mortality and WBC count.
Inflammation in the body also causes an increase in leukocytes. These include, for example, irritation of the bile or the appendix. Difficult-to-digest foods cause a short-term increase in the number of white blood cells. The doctors speak of a digestive leukocytosis.
What are the symptoms of leukocytosis?
In the case of an increase in leukocytes, those affected have specific characteristics. Patients mainly notice an elevated temperature and a constant feeling of weakness. Especially with an increase in leukocytes caused by inflammation, fever occurs as an accompanying symptom. If acute leukocytosis occurs, general symptoms may appear. Symptoms vary depending on the particular cause.
With a strong leukocytosis, the values rise to more than 50,000 white blood cells in one microliter of blood. Above this number, the increase in leucocytes is considered a marker for the onset of a disease caused by blood cancer . Furthermore, the high increase in white blood cells indicates a tumor or tuberculosis.
How are diagnosis and treatment carried out?
In addition to the diagnosis via the blood count analysis, the doctors use a bone marrow biopsy. In this way, they try to determine the reason for the overproduction of leukocytes. Before a therapy proves possible, the doctors clarify the type of affected blood cells. Treatment is not necessary in every case. In the case of reactive leukocytosis, the value of the white blood cells usually regulates itself.
If severe symptoms occur, the experts base their treatment on the signs. Based on the symptoms, they decide whether to treat them with medication or surgery. Mainly in the case of leukemia, the focus is on removing the leukocyte imbalance. For this, patients need a blood plasma transfusion or a bone marrow donation.\